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Why pineapple belongs on pizza

IT’S no secret that pizza brings people closer. Arguably the world’s best bonding food, pizza is cut into eight slices for friends and family to sit down, pass around and share.  

But those looking to stir the pot, cause arguments and divide the dinner table can easily do so with the mention of one pizza related question...

“So, do you think pineapple belongs on pizza?”

Cue: Several death stares, three eye rolls and one slammed door.

For some, pineapple on pizza is the greatest thing to ever happen to mankind, and for others, the greatest tragedy.

There is no denying that the iconic Hawaiian pizza has cemented itself as a favourite within Australian households across the country. Featuring smoky leg ham, sweet pineapple pieces, gooey mozzarella and tasty tomato sauce, this highly contentious pizza (whilst delicious) is also notorious for sparking wide-spread argument and debate.  

Today, we will discuss (read: argue!) the top five reasons we believe pineapple belongs on pizza, and fiercely defend the sacred pizza topping that we all know and love.

Sweet and salty

Sweet, sticky and juicy, pineapple is everything you could ever need from a tropical fruit and more. It’s juice, luscious and syrupy in texture, is like nectar from the gods. Paired perfectly with salty, crispy, strips of ham, pineapple helps lift the overall flavour profile of a pizza – using its sweetness to cut through the salt and create a heavenly taste sensation. Quite frankly put, who doesn’t love a sweet and salty combo?  

Health benefits

Did you know pineapple has a wide-range of health benefits? As a fruit, pineapple is jam packed with vitamin C, potassium and fibre. Together, these nutrients and antioxidants help enzymes within your body fight inflammation, boost immunity and even aid digestion! #SuperFruit!

Doubling as a fruit AND pizza topping, pineapple on pizza means you can enjoy a slice of your favourite treat, guilt free!

The adventure

Save your money on a plane ticket to Maui and be transported to a tropical island paradise with one bite of Hawaiian pizza. Simply close your eyes and be taken straight to the beach – feel the cool, island breeze sweep through your hair and the sand between your toes. The sweet, tropical flavour of pineapple can do just that! This is what eating Hawaiian pizza feels like and we simply won’t hear otherwise. With that being said, we can’t think of any other pizza topping that provides a sense of adventure and satisfies the taste buds quite like it.  

More choice

The freedom to pick whatever toppings you like without fear of judgement should be a fundamental human right. After all, who doesn’t love choice? With millions of potential topping combinations for pizza lovers to choose from, we don’t see why pineapple can’t be one of them. I mean, if we can all accept a slimy anchovy why can’t we accept a humble slice of pineapple!? 

Crush convention  

Understanding that the precursor of pizza – the focaccia – was historically made with tomato sauce, mozzarella and basil by Italians in the late 18th century, the evolution of pizza has transformed throughout the decades to allow for new tastes and flavours. Whilst it may not be traditional, it is delicious, and should therefore be accepted in this new age.

Finally, for those who argue fruit doesn’t belong on pizza I have only one thing to say… Tomato is a fruit (!) and is universally adored by all! So why can’t pineapple? Check mate.

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