Domino's Newsroom

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You know what they say: Toppings speak louder than words

Judge not, lest ye be judged. Yeah, nah. This is 2021. If you’re not being judged, are you even alive?

Your Netflix account judges you (Yes, I’m still watching).

Your social media accounts judge you (all those suggested posts for hair removal are not just a coincidence).

Your favourite online retailers judge you (we see you still have that thing in your shopping cart... would you also like these 10 other things you can’t afford?).

And now we’re going to judge you offer you a completely unscientific, but freakishly accurate insight (see: a few pizza makers having a bit of a yarn) into what your favourite pizza order reveals about you!


You like things uncomplicated and you like value. Pepperoni and cheese. That’s a real pizza – it’s probably etched into the walls of our cave-dwelling ancestors. Why add extra layers of complexity with extra layers of toppings when this classic combo hits you right in the [pizza] feels?

Special Mention: Toni Pepperoni – If you order this, we know you and Domino’s go way back because this hasn’t been on our menu for a long time, but you Just. Won’t. Let. It. Go.


You are a people pleaser and extremely reliable. You like to cover all bases... specifically with a balance of meats, vegies, and a dash of cheeky pineapple. But that’s as far as you’ll go. You may have ventured off menu before (*shudder*), but you always come back to the good ol’ dependable Supreme.


You know exactly what you want and you’re not afraid to ask for it. While size (and how many types of meat you can fit on one pizza) does matter, so do your mates, your sports team, and your cheat days after the gym. You like to make a statement, but you are also extremely loyal. No one looks at a pizza with as much appreciation and mouth-watering as you do.


You’re a kid or a kid at heart (did someone say Peter Pan Syndrome?). There is just something so comforting about tucking into a classic Hawaiian. Your friends might not think you’re very sophisticated, but damn it, you know who you are, and you are not changing for anyone!


You consider yourself a bit of a foodie. Yes, it’s pizza, but look at all those vegetables! It’s a culinary garden of virtue! This is also the choice of the over-compensating party host who isn’t sure if that one Vego friend is coming.


You tend to follow, not lead. And you always play it safe. You were the kid that always coloured within the lines and never ran with scissors (boring…). You’re more likely to have your phone (or a drink) in your hand than a pizza slice. But hey, they’re ordering pizza so “grab me a Margherita!”

Fire Breather

Yes, you like it spicy, but you’re also most likely to annoy your friends by calling everybody else’s pizza choice “lame” because if your mouth isn’t on fire, is it even worth eating? You’re adventurous, outspoken, and always go on the big roller coaster rides.

Double Bacon Cheeseburger

You’re a student or still want to be. The superfood of late-night gaming sessions, it fills you up fast, so there’s no unnecessary downtime on meeting your basic daily sustenance needs. Best of all, you get three times the meal value - Breakfast (Bacon), Lunch (Burger), and Dinner (Pizza).

Sausage Sizzle Pizza

You are down for anything. Easy-going and with the remarkable ability to turn up exactly when the food does, you’re happy to have what everybody else is having. And the leftovers too.

That Fancy Chicken Pizza

You’re indecisive. You like pizza, but you want to try something different, but not too different, and you think your friend said she liked this one and this is easier than trying to make that baked feta thing from the internet.

Cheesy Garlic with Crème Fraiche

You fully embrace life. Why waste a single moment on anything less than mind-blowingly amazing? You know it’s the simple things in life that bring the most pleasure, and you appreciate pizza for what it is: a disc of perfectly cooked dough, with some sauce and cheese on top.

Just Garlic Bread

You’re creative (or would like people to think you are). You eat what you like, when you like, because mainstream meal constructs are so… unoriginal. And you don’t want to be weighed down while copying and pasting all those inspirational quotes for your Instagram followers #GarlicBreadIsLyfe.

So, there you have it. More accurate than tea leaves, and no more credible than that online ‘Which Harry Potter Character Would You Be?’ personality test, the real you can be found inside your pizza box.

But don’t worry – we don’t actually judge you. We celebrate you!

Except that one guy who always orders a Loaded Supreme and then asks for all the toppings to be removed. We definitely judge him.