Five top tips for nailing your job interview
POV: You just opened your inbox to find an exciting email announcing you’ve made it through to the interview stage of your Domino's job application *cue happy dance*!
But now you’re wondering: “How do I even start preparing?”, “What type of questions will they ask?”, and “What should I wear?”.
Trust us, we’ve all been there. To take the pressure off your preparation, we sat down with Domino’s Head of People Development ANZ, Matthew Kershaw to get his advice on nailing that interview and landing that job. Here is what he had to say.
1. Make the most of your first five minutes
“We know the first few minutes play a big role in the experience a customer has while visiting Domino’s. The same goes when meeting your potential employer for the first time,” says Matt.
“Firstly – make sure you turn up on time, and you are dressed to impress. The first few minutes usually consist of introductions and small talk, this is your opportunity to set the scene, and settle into the interview.
“The early questions of “How are you?” and “Tell us a bit about yourself” are open-ended and can lead to a more balanced and natural discussion, allowing for the conversation to flow. Take control of that opportunity to shine and tell your potential employer a little bit about yourself and what you value.”
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2. Prepare your points
Matt explained that in most interviews, this is one of the questions you will be asked, and the best thing you can do ahead of the interview is to prepare your talking points to wow your interviewer.
“While I don’t recommend memorising a response (no one wants a rehearsed, robotic answer!), think about some dot points or one-word reminders that can help guide your responses to potential questions,” says Matt.
“Practicing how you would respond to a typical question, and then to a curveball question, will help you feel more confident during the interview. The more natural and relaxed you are, the more likely you are to do well in your interview!”
3. Know your skills
No one knows your skillset like you do, and that’s why one of the best ways to prepare for your interview is by thinking about how each of your skills match the position you are applying for – there is always a link!
PROFESSIONAL PIZZA SAUCER: Love making pizza? We want to hear all about it in your interview!
Matt says: “For example, if you’re applying for an in-store role at Domino’s, think about examples of when you have delivered great customer service, connected with a customer, or maybe you even have a passion for making pizza at home, so you’re excited to make delicious pizzas for Domino’s customers! Interviews are all about your skills, and how your sell yourself, so using examples is a great way to communicate why you are the best person for the role.”
4. Play the part
“Confidence is key. Interviews are all about impressions, so make sure you dress appropriately, and consider your body language, and how you can use this to make an impression. A confident handshake, limited fidgeting, and good posture can all help you come across as confident to the interviewer, and help you stand out,” says Matt.
5. Always ask questions
“Do you have any questions for us?”
The answer is: “Absolutely!”
If you’re wondering why, it’s because this is your chance to engage in deeper conversation, and get any questions you have about the role answered.
“I recommend coming to the interview prepared with a few questions, but also make sure to ask questions in response to topics raised in the interview, too,” says Matt.
Some examples include:
· What’s your favourite part about working here?
· What sort of training and development opportunities do you offer staff?
· What is the team culture like?
“Taking this opportunity to show your interest in the company, and the role you are applying for can make a world of difference!” says Matt.
With these tips in mind, you will be well prepared with everything you need before walking in and nailing that job interview! And remember, if things don’t go so well that is OK. Every interview is great practice for the next one – so learn from your mistakes and move on to the next one.
Good luck!