A hot tip: Domino’s Delivery Experts reveal all
Forget small change – from lemons to surfboards and everything in between, Domino’s Delivery Experts across Australia have received some wacky and wonderful tip alternatives over the years when delivering hot & fresh pizzas to customers.
While all of our Delivery Experts are valued team members who are employed by Domino’s and paid amongst the highest wages in the industry, we’re sure everyone can agree it’s always nice to receive a special thank you.
For example, a cup of coffee and fresh yoghurt from the factory are some of the tips that hold a special place in our Delivery Experts’ memories – and these are just the tip of the iceberg!
Here are a few of our favourite outside the [pizza] box tips!
WHEN LIFE GIVES YOU LEMONS: Forget lemonade and enjoy a slice of pizza!
Fruits of your labour
Mangoes, lemons, oranges… there’s few fruits our Delivery Experts haven’t received! With our team members laser focused on making sure your order safely and quickly reaches your door so you can enjoy a slice of your favourite pizza, our customers are often just as committed, seeing to it that the fruits of our Delivery Experts’ labour never go unnoticed.
More of a savoury veggie type of person? No worries, eskies full of freshly harvested broccoli have also been known to be given to Delivery Experts making deliveries to local farmers. Now that’s fresh!
Sweet dreams are made of…tips
Exchanging something savoury for something sweet? Sounds like a good plan! Team members have been known to receive the gift of dessert, from cookies at closing time to whole blocks of chocolate.
Chocolate not your thing? Not to worry, because our Delivery Experts who have taken orders to their local yoghurt factory have been thanked with boxes of fresh yoghurt – talk about a cultured tip!
Let me entertain you!
If there is one thing a Delivery Expert knows, it’s that timing is everything. In the case of one lucky team member, this rang true when they arrived to deliver a hot & fresh pizza and were gifted a pre-loved television in return – yes, you read that correctly! The customer had just purchased a new television, so our Delivery Expert received a generous tip when delivering a piping hot pizza. Now that’s a tip that’s hard to top!
CAR FANATICS DELIGHT: The perfect gift for a Delivery Expert – car magazines!
Light reading, anyone?
Car enthusiasts – this one’s for you! A stack of the latest car magazines was a very fitting tip one Delivery Expert received.
Surf’s up!
Domino’s stores situated along the coast have received some pretty cool tips over the years, but the one that’s almost impossible to top? A brand-new surfboard! That’s right, one lucky team member was tipped with a new board, ready for a post-work surf. Time to catch a wave, anyone?
Can’t get the hang of surfing? Then maybe a skateboard is more your speed, and if so, you’re in luck, because this is another mode of transport our team members have been gifted on their delivery travels. Could they be onto the next best thing in delivery?
A WHEELY GOOD TIP: Spare change or an umbrella – you never know what you might receive in return when delivering a hot & fresh pizza!
Something a little…different
The gift of an umbrella on an overcast day, a unique tip in the form of a garden gnome, and an entire aloe vera plant. Yes, these are some of the more interesting tips Domino’s team members have received over the years, and while they may be a little different, these shows of thanks are very much appreciated by our teams across Australia.
Domino’s Delivery Experts are essential to providing our customers with hot & fresh pizzas, and as if we didn’t already ‘dough’ it, these tips really do prove Domino’s has some of the best customers out there.